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Can microgreens be grown to full size vegetables?Updated a year ago

Growing your leftover seeds from your Seed Quilt into full veggies may seem tough (and it’s not what the product was created for, so we cannot guarantee this!), but some awesome experimental Hamama Growers have shown us some pretty awesome success stories!

We do not use any fertilizer in our system due to the seeds only being grown for a maximum of two weeks. During this two week time, the seeds supply the nutrition they need without any extra inputs such as soil or fertilizer.

Microgreens have enough nutrition from the seed to grow for 2 weeks, but after that period of time they need supplemental nutrition sources to continue growing. Soil or a hydroponic fertilizer can provide this.🌱

Once your microgreens have grown and are ready to harvest, instead of harvesting them all, take some of the microgreens and transplant them to a pot or raised bed. You can plant the roots just below the soil, fertilize, water and watch them grow!

Check out our micro-gardening blog post here: https://www.hamama.com/blogs/hamama-blog/micro-gardening

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