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How do you avoid bacteria?Updated a year ago

We test all our microgreen seeds for the common strains like e-Coli and salmonella; they must pass in order to be packaged into our Seed Quilts. The Seed Quilt system is also specifically designed to fight this problem. With the Hamama grow kit system, your seeds are never soaking in water, unlike sprouts, but rather the Seed Quilt wicks up water from below as needed.

There are 3 components to the Hamama Grow Kit:

1. Hamama Grow Tray
Grow a lifetime of harvests with these reusable, high-quality, sturdy microgreen grow trays, designed for use exclusively with patented Hamama Seed Quilts. With built-in risers to lift your coco mat to ensure optimal airflow for root respiration, fill line to indicate water level, easy clean up, dishwasher safe (place in the top rack, upside down), #5 Food Safe, made from BPA-free Polypropylene, and fits inside the Hamama Bamboo Frame. 

2. Seed Quilt
Each Seed Quilt is made with felt and soy wax paper. Our Seed Quilts are made of materials designed for food and agricultural use, and all materials are compostable in your green food and yard waste bin.

3. Coconut Fiber Mat
The coconut fiber mat is made out of coconut husk and is specifically sized to fit underneath the Seed Quilt, resting on top of the grow tray risers, which allows for airflow around the roots, that in turn help to combat the growth of bacteria. 

When you harvest your greens, you can throw the Seed Quilt into the compost, give your tray a quick wash, then plant your next seed quilt.

The coconut fiber mat is reusable and can be upcycled as well. Check out the article Upclycling Your Hamama Coco Mats for more information.

Note: Microgreens grown with Hamama products come into contact with coconut, latex, soy, and corn-based materials. If you are allergic to any of these ingredients, please consult your doctor before using Hamama products.

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